Source code for esteem.wrappers.amp

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[ ]:

"""Defines the AMPWrapper Class"""

import numpy as np

[docs]class AMPWrapper(): """ Sets up and runs the AMP Calculator (via ASE) to use a neural-network representation of a potential energy surface. """ def __init__(self): """Sets up instance attributes for AMPWrapper """ self.calc_ext = ".amp" self.log_ext = "-log.txt" def calc_filename(self,seed,target,prefix='',suffix=''): if target is None or target == 0: calcfn = seed+"_gs_"+suffix else: calcfn = args.seed+"_es"+str(target)+"_"+suffix calcfn = prefix + calcfn return calcfn
[docs] def load(self,seed,target=None,prefix="",suffix="",**kwargs): """ Loads an existing AMP Calculator seed: str target: int suffix: str kwargs: dict other keywords to pass to AMP.load """ from amp import Amp calcfn = self.calc_filename(seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) calc_ml = Amp.load(calcfn+self.calc_ext,**kwargs) calc_ml.label = calcfn calc_ml.dblabel = calcfn return calc_ml
[docs] def train(self,seed,prefix="",suffix="",trajfile="",target=None,restart=False,**kwargs): """ Runs training for AMP ASE calculator using an input trajectory as training points seed: str target: int suffix: str trajfile: str restart: bool kwargs: dict """ from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork from amp.model import LossFunction from amp.utilities import Annealer label = self.calc_filename(seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) # Sort out optional arguments according to which routine they need to go to desc_kw = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in {'cutoff'} if key in kwargs} model_kw = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in {'hiddenlayers'} if key in kwargs} calc_kw = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in {'cores'} if key in kwargs} convergence = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in {'energy_rmse','force_rmse', 'energy_maxresid','force_maxresid'} if key in kwargs} lossfn_kw = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in {'force_coefficient'} if key in kwargs} annealer_kw = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in {'Tmax','Tmin','steps'} if key in kwargs} # Anything left is unrecognised for key in kwargs: print(f'WARNING: Unrecognised keyword {key}') # Toggle whether to retrain from scratch or load existing model if not restart: descriptor = Gaussian(**desc_kw) model = NeuralNetwork(**model_kw) calc_ml = Amp(descriptor,label=label,model=model,**calc_kw) else: calc_ml = self.load(seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix,**calc_kw) calc_ml.label = label calc_ml.dblabel = label # Define convergence criteria for the Loss Function calc_ml.model.lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence,**lossfn_kw) # Optionally run the annealer if 'steps' in annealer_kw: steps = annealer_kw['steps'] if steps is not None and steps>0: Annealer(calc=calc_ml, images=trajfile, **annealer_kw) # Now train the calculator calc_ml.train(images=trajfile,overwrite=True) return calc_ml
[docs] def run_md(self,model,mdseed,calc_params,md_steps,md_timestep,superstep,temp, solvent=None,restart=False,readonly=False,constraints=None,dynamics=None, continuation=None): """ Runs a Molecular Dynamics calculation with the AMP ASE calculator. model: ASE Atoms seed: str calc_params: dict md_steps: int md_timestep: float superstep: int temp: float target: int or None solvent: str or None restart: bool readonly: bool """ from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution, Stationary, ZeroRotation from import VelocityVerlet, Langevin from import write from ase import units calc_seed = calc_params['calc_seed'] target = calc_params['target'] suffix = calc_params['calc_suffix'] prefix = calc_params['calc_prefix'] # Load the appropriate AMP Calculator calc_ml = self.load(calc_seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) model.calc = calc_ml # Initialise velocities if this is first step, otherwise inherit from model if np.all(model.get_momenta() == 0.0): MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(model, temp * units.kB) # For each ML superstep, remove C.O.M. translation and rotation #Stationary(model) #ZeroRotation(model) #print(f'constraints: {model.constraints}') if readonly: model = read(mdseed+".xyz") # Read final image model.calc = calc_ml model.get_potential_energy() # Recalculate energy for final image else: if dynamics is None: dynamics = Langevin(model, timestep=md_timestep, temperature=units.kB * temp, friction=0.002) print("MD: %5d %10.6f" % (superstep, model.get_potential_energy())) if "forces" in model.arrays: del model.arrays["forces"] write(mdseed+".xyz",model)
# Define an AMP geometry optimisation function
[docs] def geom_opt(self,model,seed,calc_params,driver_tol='default', solvent=None,readonly=False): """ Runs a geometry optimisation calculation with the AMP ASE calculator model: ASE Atoms seed: str calc_params: dict dummy: str driver_tol: target: int or None solvent: str or None readonly: bool """ calc_seed = calc_params['calc_seed'] target = calc_params['target'] suffix = calc_params['calc_suffix'] prefix = calc_params['calc_prefix'] from ase.optimize import BFGS from ase.units import Hartree, Bohr # Load the appropriate AMP Calculator calc_ml = self.load(seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) model.calc = calc_ml # Create instance of BFGS optimizer, run it and return results dyn = BFGS(model) # tolerances corresponding to NWChem settings fac=1 if driver_tol=='default': fmax = 0.00045*fac if driver_tol=='loose': fmax = 0.00450*fac if driver_tol=='tight': fmax = 0.000015*fac return model.get_potential_energy(), model.get_forces(), model.get_positions()
[docs] def freq(self,model_opt,seed,calc_params,solvent=None,charge=0, temp=300,writeonly=False,readonly=False,continuation=False,cleanup=True): """ Runs a Vibrational Frequency calculation with the AMP ASE calculator model_opt: ASE Atoms seed: str suffix: str dummy: str driver_tol: target: int or None solvent: str or None temp: float readonly: bool """ from ase.vibrations import Vibrations calc_seed = calc_params['calc_seed'] target = calc_params['target'] suffix = calc_params['calc_suffix'] prefix = calc_params['calc_prefix'] # Load the appropriate AMP Calculator calc_ml = self.load(seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) model_opt.calc = calc_ml # Create instance of Vibrations class, run it and return results vib = Vibrations(model_opt,name=self.calc_filename(seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix)) freqs = vib.get_frequencies() vib.summary() vib.clean() print(freqs) return freqs
[docs] def singlepoint(self,model,seed,suffix,dummy, target=None,solvent=None,readonly=False): """ Runs a singlepoint calculation with the AMP ASE calculator model: ASE Atoms seed: str suffix: str dummy: str target: int or None solvent: str or None readonly: bool """ calc_seed = calc_params['calc_seed'] target = calc_params['target'] suffix = calc_params['calc_suffix'] prefix = calc_params['calc_prefix'] # Load the appropriate AMP Calculator calc_ml = self.load(seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) model_opt.calc = calc_ml return model.get_potential_energy(), model.get_forces()