Source code for esteem.wrappers.lammps

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[ ]:

"""Defines the LAMMPSWrapper class"""

from ase.calculators.lammpsrun import LAMMPS
from os import environ, path, makedirs
from import read, write
from import Trajectory
from import read
import subprocess
import shutil

#    mass = grams/mole
#    distance = Angstroms
#    time = picoseconds
#    energy = eV
#    velocity = Angstroms/picosecond
#    force = eV/Angstrom
#    torque = eV
#    temperature = Kelvin
#    pressure = bars
#    charge = multiple of electron charge (1.0 is a proton)
#    dipole = charge*Angstroms
#    electric field = volts/Angstrom

# See 
# and for details

# From J. Chem. Phys. 148, 024110 (2018)
# The dyes are placed in large solvent boxes (see Table I for
# the number of atoms in the MD box for each system) and a
# two-step equilibration is carried out. First, a 20 ps temperature
# equilibration in the NVT ensemble is performed to raise the
# temperature of the system from 0 K to 300 K. This is followed
# by a 400 ps volume equilibration in the NPT ensemble. Since
# we are interested in generating uncorrelated snapshots rather
# than accurate short time scale dynamics, we run all produc-
# tion calculations in the NVT ensemble to guarantee a constant
# temperature. For the production trajectory of 8 ns in length,
# solute-solvent snapshots are extracted every 4 ps, producing a
# total of 2000 uncorrelated snapshots. All MD calculations are
# performed using a 2 fs time-step and a Langevin thermostat
# with a collision frequency of 1 ps^-1

[docs]class LAMMPSWrapper(): """Sets up the LAMMPS Calculator (via ASE) for Molecular Dynamics runs""" def __init__(self): self.known_solvents = [] # common parameters self.cut = 9.0 # 9 Ang cutoff for Ewald self.temp0 = 300.0 # 300 K = 3 # Langevin thermostat self.gamma_ln = 1 # Collision frequency 1ps^-1 self.dt = 0.002 # 2 fs timestep self.restraints = '' # Line to add to inputs for restraints self.ntb = 0 # Periodic box self.ntp = 0 # Periodic box # Common files (all run types will use same potentials, presumably, so use instance attribute to store) self.lammps_files = ["watr_converted.lmp"] # Store a dictionary of common params, then merge dictionary with specifics for a given run? self.lammps_params_amberconv = {"keep_tmp_files": True, "tmp_dir": ".", "units": "real", "atom_style": "full", "dimension": "3", "boundary": "p p p", "kspace_style": "pppm 1e-8", "bond_style": "hybrid harmonic", "angle_style": "hybrid harmonic", "special_bonds": "lj 0.0 0.0 1.0 coul 0.0 0.0 1.0", #"read_data": "watr_converted.lmp", "pair_style": f"lj/cut/coul/long {self.cut} {self.cut}", "pair_modify": "tail yes", "pair_coeff": ["1 1 0.2104000 3.0664734","2 2 0.0000000 0.0000000"], "pair_modify": ["tail yes", "mix arithmetic"] } self.damp = 1.00 self.temp0 = 300 self.seed = 123457 self.lammps_md = { #"timestep": 0.002, "fix": [#"fix_nve all nve", f"fix_lan all langevin {self.temp0} {self.temp0} {self.damp} {self.seed}"], "thermo_style": "custom step temp press ke pe etotal", "thermo_modify": "flush yes format float %20.10g", "thermo": 100 } self.lammps_params_prophet = { "keep_tmp_files": True, "write_velocities": True, "tmp_dir": ".", "units": "metal"} def calc_filename(self,seed,target,prefix='',suffix=''): from esteem.wrappers.amp import AMPWrapper self.calc_ext = ".amp" self.log_ext = "-log.txt" return AMPWrapper.calc_filename(self,seed,target,prefix,suffix)
[docs] def lammps_setup(self,lammps_cmd=None,nprocs=None): """Prepares run commands etc for LAMMPS calculations""" # Set up executable command try: lammps_cmd = environ["ASE_LAMMPSRUN_COMMAND"] except KeyError: if lammps_cmd is None: lammps_cmd = "lmp_serial" nproc_cmd = '' mpirun = '' if nprocs is not None: nproc_cmd = f'-np {nprocs}' mpirun = 'mpirun' environ["ASE_LAMMPSRUN_COMMAND"]=f'{mpirun} {nproc_cmd} {lammps_cmd}'
#PREFIX.nwi >> PREFIX.nwo 2> PREFIX.err
[docs] def load(self,seed,target=None,prefix="",suffix="",**kwargs): """ Loads an existing AMP Calculator and converts it into a PROPhet-LAMMPS calculator seed: str target: int suffix: str kwargs: dict other keywords to pass to AMP.load """ # Load AMP calculator and convert to PROPhet format from amp import Amp, convert calcfn = self.calc_filename(seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) calc_amp = Amp.load(calcfn+self.calc_ext,**kwargs) Rcut = calc_amp._descriptor.parameters.cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] pair_coeff = [f"{i+1} potential_{e}" for i,e in enumerate(calc_amp._descriptor.parameters.elements)] convert.save_to_prophet(calc_amp) # Create LAMMPS calculator from os import environ environ["ASE_LAMMPSRUN_COMMAND"]='lmp_serial' calc_ml = LAMMPS() calc_ml.set(tmp_dir=".") calc_ml.set(keep_tmp_files=False) # set to true to debug calc_ml.set(units="metal") calc_ml.set(pair_style=f"nn {Rcut}") calc_ml.set(pair_coeff=pair_coeff) return calc_ml
[docs] def geom_opt(self,model,seed,calc_params,driver_tol='default', solvent=None,readonly=False): """ Runs a singlepoint calculation with the LAMMPS ASE calculator model: ASE Atoms seed: str suffix: str dummy: str target: int or None solvent: str or None readonly: bool """ calc_seed = calc_params['calc_seed'] target = calc_params['target'] suffix = calc_params['calc_suffix'] prefix = calc_params['calc_prefix'] # TODO: Implement tolerances based on driver_tol etol = 1e-5 ftol = 1.0e-8 maxiter = 1000 maxeval = 100000 # LAMMPS does not produce correct answers for these potentials if # run with no cell - so add one if (model.get_cell() == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).all(): # Load the appropriate Calculator print('in geom_opt:',calc_seed,target,suffix) calc_ml = self.load(calc_seed,target,prefix="",suffix=suffix) calc_ml.set(**self.lammps_params_prophet) calc_ml.set(minimize=f"{etol} {ftol} {maxiter} {maxeval}") model.calc = calc_ml return model.get_potential_energy(), model.get_forces(), model.get_positions()
[docs] def run_mlmd(self,model,mdseed,calc_params,md_steps,md_timestep,superstep,temp, solvent=None,restart=False,readonly=False,constraints=None,continuation=None): """ Runs a Molecular Dynamics calculation with the AMP ASE calculator. model: ASE Atoms seed: str target: int suffix: str md_steps: int md_timestep: float superstep: int temp: float target: int or None solvent: str or None restart: bool readonly: bool """ from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution, Stationary, ZeroRotation from ase import units import numpy as np calc_seed = calc_params['calc_seed'] target = calc_params['target'] suffix = calc_params['calc_suffix'] prefix = calc_params['calc_prefix'] # Load the appropriate Calculator calc_ml = self.load(calc_seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) calc_ml.set(**self.lammps_params_prophet) calc_ml.set(run=md_steps) # LAMMPS does not produce correct answers for these potentials if # run with no cell - so add one if (model.get_cell() == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).all(): # Initialise velocities if this is first step, otherwise inherit from model if np.all(model.get_momenta() == 0.0): print(f'Initializing new momenta at {temp}K') MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(model, temp * units.kB) Stationary(model) ZeroRotation(model) # TODO Set timestep # Set thermostat model.calc = calc_ml return model.get_potential_energy(), model.get_forces()
[docs] def singlepoint(self,model,seed,calc_params, target=None,solvent=None,readonly=False): """ Runs a singlepoint calculation with the LAMMPS ASE calculator model: ASE Atoms seed: str suffix: str dummy: str target: int or None solvent: str or None readonly: bool """ calc_seed = calc_params['calc_seed'] target = calc_params['target'] suffix = calc_params['calc_suffix'] prefix = calc_params['calc_prefix'] lammps_params = calc_params['lammps_params'] # Load the appropriate Calculator calc_ml = self.load(calc_seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) # LAMMPS does not produce correct answers for these potentials if # run with no cell - so add one if (model.get_cell() == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).all(): calc_ml.set(**lammps_params) model.calc = calc_ml return model.get_potential_energy(), model.get_forces()
[docs] def minimise(self,solvated,minimised,seed): """Runs a geometry optimisation calculation with the LAMMPS ASE calculator""" calc_min = LAMMPS(files=lammps_files) calc_min.set(**lammps_params) model.calc = calc_min calc_min.set(minimize='1.0e-4 1.0e-6 1000 4000') return model.get_potential_energy() minimised.set_calculator(calc_min) print("Energy after minimisation: ", minimised.get_potential_energy())
[docs] def heatup(self,minimised,heated,seed,nsteps): """Runs a heatup temperature-ramp calculation with the LAMMPS ASE calculator""" # NTC = 2, NTF = 2: hydrogens constrained at this stage with SHAKE # irest = 0 (new simulation) # Load the appropriate Calculator target = 0; suffix = "3x15_R8.0"; prefix='../'; calc_seed='cate' calc_ml = self.load(calc_seed,target,prefix=prefix,suffix=suffix) calc_ml.set(**self.lammps_params_amberconv) calc_ml.set(**self.lammps_md) calc_ml.set(fix=[f'fixlan all langevin {0} {self.temp0} 120 123456']) calc_ml.set(run=nsteps) heated = minimised.copy() heated.calc = calc_ml print("Energy after heating: ", heated.get_potential_energy())
[docs] def densityequil(self,heated,densityeq,seed,nsteps): """Runs a density equilibration calculation with fixed hydrogens with the LAMMPS ASE calculator""" # NTB = 2, NTP = 1, TAUP = 1.0: Use constant pressure periodic boundary. Isotropic position scaling # should be used to maintain the pressure (NTP=1) and a relaxation time of 1 ps should be used (TAUP=1.0). # NTC = 2, NTF = 2: hydrogens constrained at this stage # irest = 1 (restart from previous simulation) calc_dens = LAMMPS(files=lammps_files,parameters=lammps_params) densityeq.calc = calc_dens print("Energy after density equilibration: ", densityeq.get_potential_energy())
[docs] def equil(self,densityeq,equbd,seed,nsteps): """Runs an equilibration calculation at constant volume with flexible hydrogens with the LAMMPS ASE calculator""" # NTP = 0: No pressure scaling (constant volume) # NTC = 1: SHAKE not used - no constraints # Energies at this stage no longer comparable to previous steps # due to extra DOFs calc_equil = LAMMPS(files=lammps_files,parameters=lammps_params) equbd.calc = calc_equil print("Energy after equilibration:", equbd.get_potential_energy())
[docs] def snapshots(self,seed,snapin,snapout,nsnaps,nsteps): """Runs a long MD trajectory for snapshot generation with the LAMMPS ASE calculator""" # NTC = 1: SHAKE not used - no constraints step = 0 trajname = seed+'.traj' traj = Trajectory(trajname, 'w') calc_snap = LAMMPS(files=lammps_files,parameters=lammps_params) for step in range(nsnaps): snapin.calc = calc_snap print("Energy after snapshot",str(step),":", snapin.get_potential_energy()) traj.write(snapout) write(f'{seed}_snap_solv{step:04}.xyz',snapout)
# In[ ]: # l = LAMMPSWrapper() # import os # os.chdir("/home/theory/phspvr/cate_qmd") # l.load('cate',suffix='3x10_R6.5') # l.temp0 = 500 # from import read; cate = read(""); # l.heatup("cate",cate,cate,1000) # In[ ]: #from amp import Amp #calc_amp = Amp.load('cate_gs_3x10_R6.5.amp') # !ls -l log* # !cat log_lammps0000018rs86xmj # In[ ]: #from amp import descriptor # In[ ]: #calc_amp._descriptor.parameters.elements # In[ ]: