Source code for esteem.wrappers.orca

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[ ]:

"""Defines the ORCAWrapper Class"""

# Set up imports
import ase
from ase.calculators.orca import ORCA
from ase.calculators.calculator import PropertyNotImplementedError
from ase.units import Hartree, invcm, fs
from os import environ, path, makedirs, chdir, getcwd, remove, symlink
from shutil import copyfile
import numpy as np

[docs]class ORCAWrapper(): """Sets up and runs the ORCA Calculator (via ASE) for DFT and TDDFT calculations""" def __init__(self): """Sets up instance attributes for ORCAWrapper """ # Set up some defaults self.nprocs = 24 self.maxcore = 2000 self.temproot = "/tmp" self.origdir = None self.exts_to_link = ['out','err','gbw','cis','inp','engrad','_property.txt','mdrestart'] self.exts_to_save = ['log','txt','xyz','hess','engrad'] self.scf_block = None
[docs] def setup(self,nprocs=None,orca_cmd=None,mpi_options=None,maxcore=None): """Sets up the internal variables of the ORCAWrapper class, including run command""" try: orca_cmd = environ["ASE_ORCA_COMMAND"] except KeyError: if orca_cmd is None: orca_cmd = "~/orca5/orca" if mpi_options is None: mpi_options="--oversubscribe --mca opal_warn_on_missing_libcuda 0" environ["ASE_ORCA_COMMAND"]=f'{orca_cmd} PREFIX.inp "{mpi_options}" >> PREFIX.out 2> PREFIX.err' if maxcore is not None: self.maxcore = maxcore if nprocs is not None: self.nprocs = nprocs
def get_completed_file_exts(self): return ['.out','.engrad'] def get_restart_file_exts(self): return ['.mdrestart','.gbw'] def move_to_tempdir(self,seed): self.origdir = getcwd() self.tempdir = f'{self.temproot}/{seed}' if not path.exists(self.tempdir): #print(f'Creating temporary directory {self.tempdir}') makedirs(self.tempdir) #print(f'Changing to temporary directory {self.tempdir}') try: chdir(self.tempdir) except: print(f'Failed to change to {self.tempdir}') if self.origdir != self.tempdir: #print(f'Making symlinks for {self.exts_to_link} files back to {self.origdir}') for ext in self.exts_to_link: ext='.'+ext if not '.' in ext else ext if path.islink(f'./{seed}{ext}') or path.isfile(f'./{seed}{ext}'): remove(f'./{seed}{ext}') symlink(f'{self.origdir}/{seed}{ext}',f'./{seed}{ext}') def return_from_tempdir(self,seed): import glob if self.origdir is None: raise Exception(f'Original directory has not been set!') #print(f'Copying {self.exts_to_save} files back to {self.origdir}') for ext in self.exts_to_save: ext='.'+ext if not '.' in ext else ext extfiles = glob.glob(f"{seed}*{ext}") for f in extfiles: if path.isfile(f) and not path.islink(f): copyfile(f,f'{self.origdir}/{f}') # Delete temporary copies of files linked back if self.origdir != self.tempdir: for ext in self.exts_to_link: ext='.'+ext if not '.' in ext else ext if path.islink(f'{seed}{ext}'): remove(f'{seed}{ext}') #print(f'Returning to {self.origdir}') chdir(self.origdir)
[docs] def cleanup(self,seed): """Cleans up temporary files created by a ORCA run that are of no further use""" # Cleanup temporary files - TODO for dir in "./",seed+"/": for ext in ["densities","err"]: ext='.'+ext if not '.' in ext else ext if path.isfile(f'{dir}{seed}{ext}'): remove(f'{dir}{seed}{ext}')
def unpack_params(self,calc_params): if 'basis' in calc_params: basis = calc_params['basis'] else: raise Exception("Basis not specified in calc_params") if 'func' in calc_params: xc = calc_params['func'] else: raise Exception("XC Func not specified in calc_params") if 'target' in calc_params: target = calc_params['target'] else: raise Exception("Target not specified in calc_params") if 'disp' in calc_params: disp = calc_params['disp'] else: disp = None return basis,xc,target,disp def _cosmo_seed(self,solvent): # See here for a list of solvents: # if solvent=='meth': return 'methanol' elif solvent=='etoh': return 'ethanol' elif solvent=='etgl': # ethylene glycol not recognised by orca - set in cpcm_block below return 'ethanol' elif solvent=='glyc': # glycerol not recognised by orca - set in cpcm_block below return 'ethanol' elif solvent=='acet': return 'acetonitrile' elif solvent=='dich': return 'CH2Cl2' elif solvent=='cycl': return 'cyclohexane' elif solvent=='watr': return 'water' else: return solvent # data from # # def _add_cpcm_block(self,calc,solvent): if solvent=='etgl': self.cpcm_block = (f"\n%cpcm\n" + f"epsilon 37.0\n" + f"refrac 1.43\nend\n") elif solvent=='glyc': self.cpcm_block = (f"\n%cpcm\n" + f"epsilon 46.5\n" + f"refrac 1.47\nend\n") else: self.cpcm_block = None # for reference, ethanol: 25.3, 1.36 if self.cpcm_block is not None: calc.parameters['orcablocks'] += self.cpcm_block def check_func(self,func): fullfunc = func return fullfunc def set_careful_scf(self,sthresh=4e-8): self.scf_block = f"\n%scf\n" self.scf_block += f"maxiter 50\n" self.scf_block += f"sthresh {sthresh}\n" #self.scf_block += f"ConvForced False\n" #self.scf_block += f"SOSCFstart 0.00005 SOSCFMaxIt 12\n" #self.scf_block += f"AutoTRAH False\n" self.scf_block += f"end\n" def _add_solvent(self,calc,solvent): calc.parameters['orcasimpleinput'] += f" CPCMC({self._cosmo_seed(solvent)})" self._add_cpcm_block(calc,solvent) def _add_tddft(self,calc,nroots,target=None): calc.parameters['orcablocks'] += f"\n%tddft\n nroots {nroots}\n tda false" if target is not None: calc.parameters['orcablocks'] += f"\n Iroot {target}\n end" else: calc.parameters['orcablocks'] += f"\n end"
[docs] def singlepoint(self,model,label,calc_params={},solvent=None,charge=0,spin=0, forces=False,dipole=True,continuation=False,readonly=False,calconly=False, cleanup=True): """Runs a singlepoint calculation with the ORCA ASE calculator""" basis, xc, target, disp = self.unpack_params(calc_params) dispstr = 'D3BJ' if disp else '' extra = "" # "defgrid2" calc_orca = ORCA(label=label,orcasimpleinput=f"{xc} {dispstr} {basis} {extra}", orcablocks=f'%pal nprocs {self.nprocs} end\n%maxcore {self.maxcore}\n') if (target is not None) and (target != 0): self._add_tddft(calc_orca,target,target) if solvent is not None: self._add_solvent(calc_orca,solvent) if self.scf_block is not None: calc_orca.parameters['orcablocks'] += self.scf_block # Set up spin calc_orca.set(mult=int(2*spin+1)) # Set up charge calc_orca.set(charge=charge) model.calc = calc_orca if readonly: calc_orca.atoms = model calc_orca.read_results() # skip calculation if calconly: return calc_orca if not readonly: self.move_to_tempdir(label) if forces: f_calc = model.get_forces() e_calc = model.calc.results["energy"] else: e_calc = model.get_potential_energy() if dipole: d_calc = model.get_dipole_moment() if cleanup and not readonly: self.cleanup(label) if not readonly: self.return_from_tempdir(label) if forces: if dipole: return e_calc, f_calc, d_calc, calc_orca else: return e_calc, f_calc, calc_orca else: if dipole: return e_calc, d_calc, calc_orca else: return e_calc, calc_orca
[docs] def geom_opt(self,model_opt,label,calc_params={},driver_tol='default', solvent=None,continuation=False,charge=0,spin=0,readonly=False, calconly=False,cleanup=True): """Runs a Geometry Optimisation calculation with the ORCA ASE calculator""" basis, xc, target, disp = self.unpack_params(calc_params) dispstr = 'D3BJ' if disp else '' calc_orca = ORCA(label=label,orcasimpleinput=f"{xc} {dispstr} {basis}", orcablocks=f'%pal nprocs {self.nprocs} end\n%maxcore {self.maxcore}\n') if (target is not None) and (target!=0): self._add_tddft(calc_orca,target,target) if solvent is not None: self._add_solvent(calc_orca,solvent) if self.scf_block is not None: calc_orca.parameters['orcablocks'] += self.scf_block if hasattr(self,"sym_thresh"): sym_block = "%sym SymThresh {sym_thresh} end\n" calc_orca.parameters['orcablocks'] += sym_block if len(model_opt.constraints)>0: constraint_str = "%geom Constraints\n" for constr in model.constraints: if isinstance(constr,FixAtoms): constraint_str = ( constraint_str + '{ C' + ' '.join([str(i) for i in constr.index]) + 'C }\n') constraint_str = constraint_str + "end\nend\n" # Set up spin calc_orca.set(mult=int(2*spin+1)) # Set up charge calc_orca.set(charge=charge) # Set task calc_orca.set(task='opt') if driver_tol.lower().find('tight') > -1: calc_orca.set(task=driver_tol+'opt') model_opt.calc = calc_orca if calconly: return calc_orca if readonly: calc_orca.atoms = model_opt calc_orca.read_results() # skip calculation if not readonly: self.move_to_tempdir(label) forces = model_opt.get_forces() energy = calc_orca.results['energy'] # avoid second calculation #energy = model_opt.get_potential_energy() model_opt.positions = calc_orca.atoms.positions if cleanup and not readonly: self.cleanup(label) if not readonly: self.return_from_tempdir(label) return energy, forces, model_opt.positions
[docs] def freq(self,model_opt,label,calc_params={},solvent=None,charge=0, temp=300,writeonly=False,readonly=False,continuation=False, cleanup=True,summary=False): """Runs a Vibrational Frequency calculation with the ORCA ASE calculator""" basis, xc, target, disp = self.unpack_params(calc_params) dispstr = 'D3BJ' if disp else '' calc_orca = ORCA(label=label,orcasimpleinput=f"{xc} {dispstr} {basis}", orcablocks=f'%pal nprocs {self.nprocs} end\n%maxcore {self.maxcore}\n') if (target is not None) and (target != 0): self._add_tddft(calc_orca,target,target) if solvent is not None: self._add_solvent(calc_orca,solvent) if self.scf_block is not None: calc_orca.parameters['orcablocks'] += self.scf_block calc_orca.set(charge=charge) calc_orca.set(task='freq') model_opt.calc = calc_orca if readonly: calc_orca.atoms = model_opt #print("Reading results") try: calc_orca.read_results() # skip calculation except Exception as e: print(f'Failed reading results: exception was {e}') else: self.move_to_tempdir(label) try: forces = model_opt.get_potential_energy() # Run frequencies except Exception as e: print(f'Failed reading results: exception was {e}') #self.read_freq(calc_orca) if not readonly: self.return_from_tempdir(label) if cleanup: self.cleanup(label)
[docs] def run_md(self,model,steplabel,calc_params,qmd_steps,qmd_timestep,superstep,temp, solvent=None,charge=0,continuation=False,readonly=False, constraints=None,dynamics=None,cleanup=True): """Runs a Quantum Molecular Dynamics calculation with the ORCA ASE calculator""" import random basis, xc, target, disp = self.unpack_params(calc_params) dispstr = 'D3BJ' if disp else '' calc_orca = ORCA(label=steplabel,orcasimpleinput=f"{xc} {dispstr} {basis}", orcablocks=f'%pal nprocs {self.nprocs} end\n%maxcore {self.maxcore}\n') timecon = 10.0 random.seed(steplabel) randseed = random.randint(0,100000) md_block = f''' %md timestep {qmd_timestep/fs}_fs initvel {temp}_K no_overwrite restart ifexists randomize {randseed} thermostat csvr {temp}_K timecon {timecon}_fs dump engrad run {qmd_steps} end ''' calc_orca.parameters['orcablocks'] += md_block if (target is not None) and (target != 0): self._add_tddft(calc_orca,target,target) if solvent is not None: self._add_solvent(calc_orca,solvent) if constraints is not None: calc_orca.set(constraints=constraints) if self.scf_block is not None: calc_orca.parameters['orcablocks'] += self.scf_block calc_orca.set(charge=charge) calc_orca.set(task='md') model.calc = calc_orca if readonly: print("Reading results") calc_orca.atoms = model calc_orca.read_results() # these should not trigger re-runs energy = model.get_potential_energy() forces = model.get_forces() else: self.move_to_tempdir(steplabel) forces = model.get_forces() energy = model.calc.results["energy"] self.return_from_tempdir(steplabel) model.positions = calc_orca.atoms.positions next_model = model if cleanup and not readonly: self.cleanup(steplabel) print(superstep,calc_orca.label,energy,forces[0],model.positions[0]) return None
[docs] def excitations(self,model,label,calc_params={},nroots=1,solvent=None,charge=0, writeonly=False,readonly=False,continuation=False,cleanup=True, plot_homo=None,plot_lumo=None,plot_trans_den=None): """Calculates TDDFT excitations with the ORCA ASE calculator""" # Set up calculator basis, xc, target, disp = self.unpack_params(calc_params) dispstr = 'D3BJ' if disp else '' calc_orca = ORCA(label=label,orcasimpleinput=f"{xc} {dispstr} {basis}", orcablocks=f'%pal nprocs {self.nprocs} end\n%maxcore {self.maxcore}\n') self._add_tddft(calc_orca,nroots,target=None) if solvent is not None: self._add_solvent(calc_orca,solvent) calc_orca.set(charge=charge) calc_orca.set(task='energy') if self.scf_block is not None: calc.parameters['orcablocks'] += self.scf_block model.calc = calc_orca if writeonly: calc_orca.write_input(atoms=model) return 0 if readonly: calc_orca.read_results() print("Reading excitations") s_excit = self.read_excitations(calc_orca) energy = calc_orca.get_property('energy',atoms=model,allow_calculation=False) else: self.move_to_tempdir(label) energy = model.get_potential_energy() print("Reading excitations") s_excit = self.read_excitations(calc_orca) self.return_from_tempdir(label) if cleanup: self.cleanup(label) return s_excit, energy
[docs] def read_excitations(self,calc): """Read Excitations from ORCA calculator.""" filename = calc.label+'.out' file = open(filename, 'r') lines = file.readlines() file.close() s_excit = [] trans_lines = [] getexcit = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.find('ABSORPTION SPECTRUM VIA TRANSITION ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENTS') >= 0: getexcit = True # In case of multiple copies of TDDFT output in file, # return only the last one s_excit = [] trans_lines = [] continue if getexcit and "ABSORPTION SPECTRUM VIA TRANSITION VELOCITY DIPOLE MOMENTS" in line: getexcit = False continue if getexcit and len(line.split())>0: if line.split()[0].isdigit(): #print(line) root = int(line.split()[0]) energy = float(line.split()[1])*invcm osc = float(line.split()[3]) s_excit.append((root,energy,osc)) calc.results['excitations'] = np.array(s_excit) calc.results['transition_origins'] = trans_lines return s_excit
[docs] def read_freq(self,calc): """Read Vibrational Frequencies and Normal Modes from results of ORCA calculator.""" file = open(calc.label+'.out', 'r') lines = file.readlines() file.close() nat = len(calc.atoms) nRa = 3*nat freq = [] getfreq = False for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.find('VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES') >= 0: # In case of multiple copies of frequency output in file, # return only the last one getfreq = True freq = [] continue if getfreq and 'NORMAL MODES' in line: getfreq = False continue if getfreq and 'cm**' in line: f = float(line.split()[1])*invcm nmode = np.zeros((nRa,nRa)) maxRa = 0 minRa = 0 Rb = -1 for j, line2 in enumerate(lines[i:i+int(nRa*nRa/6+nRa/6*10)]): words = line2.split() if len(words)>0: if words==[str(e) for e in range(maxRa+1,maxRa+len(words)+1)]: minRa = maxRa + 1 maxRa = minRa + len(words) - 1 Rb = 0 if words[0] ==str(Rb+1) and len(words)==maxRa-minRa+2: nmode[Rb,minRa-1:maxRa] = [float(w) for w in words[1:]] Rb = Rb + 1 if line2.find('Frequency') >= 0: new_freqs = [float(s) for s in words[1:]] freq[minRa-1:maxRa]= new_freqs if line.find('Derivative Dipole Moments') >= 0: ddip = np.zeros((nRa,3)) Rb = 0 for j, line2 in enumerate(lines[i:i+nRa+10]): words = line2.split() if len(words)>0: if words[0]==str(Rb+1): ddip[Rb,1:3] = [float(w) for w in words[4:6]] Rb = Rb + 1 if line.find('Infra Red Intensities') >= 0: intense = np.zeros((nRa)) Rb = 0 for j, line2 in enumerate(lines[i:i+nRa+10]): words = line2.split() if len(words)>0: if words[0]==str(Rb+1): intense[Rb] = float(words[3]) Rb = Rb + 1 print(nmode) print(freq) print(ddip) print(intense) calc.results['frequencies'] = freq calc.results['normal modes'] = nmode calc.results['IR intensities'] = intense calc.results['derivative dipole moments'] = ddip return freq
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