Wrappers available in ESTEEM

A wrapper in ESTEEM is an intermediate layer between a task and ASE calculator. It allows the task to call upon a number of different electronic structure codes, without needing to store details of how to invoke each of them within the module for that task.

The idea is that all the standard calculator setup for a particular theoretical spectroscopy task can be hidden inside the wrapper, and the functions of the wrapper, which might include “singlepoint” energy evaluations, geometry optimisation, or calculation of electronic excitations, can then be passed into the task as arguments.

The wrappers fall into three categories at present: electronic structure wrappers (currently NWChem and ONETEP), Molecular Dynamics wrappers (currently Amber and LAMMPS) and Machine Learning wrappers (currently PhysNet and AMP). Details of these wrappers can be found on their individual pages.

If you have a new code you would like ESTEEM to be able to use, then adding a new wrapper for it should be fairly easy, as long as there is already an ASE calculator for your code. The wrapper is simply a set of default settings for a typical run - effectively a mapping of arguments passed to the task, to input varibles passed to the calculator. The arguments might mean very different things to different calculators: for example the “basis” argument when passed to NWChem is a single string representing a basis set such as “6-31G*”, whereas when passed to ONETEP it is a tuple specifying cutoff energy, NGWF radius, and conduction band energy range.

Molecular dynamics wrappers

Need to specify functions for: singlepoint, minimise, heatup, densityeq, equil, snapshots

Electronic Structure wrappers

Need to specify functions for: singlepoint, geom_opt, excit, freq. If used in combination with the ML-based tasks, they should also provide run_qmd

Machine Learning wrappers

Need to specify functions for: train, load, geom_opt, run_mlmd

Other Wrappers

Writing a wrapper is a pretty easy task for anyone with ASE and general python skills. Any electronic structure, MD or Machine-Learning package that already has an ASE interface can probably be given an appropriate wrapper within a day or so’s work.

I am very happy to accept contributions of new wrappers to the code. Please have a look at the code most similar package to what you want to add and adapt it as required.

Future Plans

Upon request, if presented with a use case, I could probably find time to add wrappers for any of the following codes, some of which I am reasonably familiar with already:

CASTEP, QuantumEspresso, SchNarc, CP2K, BigDFT, Gaussian.

Get in touch with me at n.d.m.hine@warwick.ac.uk to discuss the possibilities.