Spectra module


class esteem.tasks.spectra.SpectraTask(**kwargs)[source]
main(fig=None, ax=None, plotlabel=None, rgb=array([0., 0., 0.]))[source]

Main routine for plotting a spectrum. Capable of applying Gaussian broadening to a stick spectrum to produce a broadened spectrum, and also of applying spectral warping to shift/scale the stick spectrum.


args: namespace or class
All arguments for the job - see documentation below.
fig, ax: matplotlib objects
Figure and axis objects for matplotlib.pyplot. Initialised anew if they have value None on entry.
Label to add the key for this dataset.
Colour of the line/points for this dataset. If set to (-1.0,-1.0,-1.0), the RGB colour will be calculated from the spectrum.




Plots the spectrum to ‘args.output’ as a png file if requested.
find_spectral_warp_params(dest_spectrum, origin_spectrum, arrow1_pos, arrow2_pos)[source]

Finds spectral warping parameters via a range of schemes. See spectra documentation page for more detail.


dest_spectrum: numpy array of floats
Contains the spectral warp ‘destination’ spectrum (usually a high level of theory that can only be afforded for the solute molecule)
origin_spectrum: numpy array of floats
Contains the spectral warp ‘origin’ spectrum (usually a cheap level of theory, same as in the Clusters job)
args.warp_scheme: str
The scheme used for the warping. Allowed values: ‘beta’, ‘alphabeta’, ‘betabeta’
args.warp_origin_ref_peak_range: list of 2 floats
Peak range searched when looking for ‘reference’ peaks in the origin spectrum for spectral warping.
args.warp_dest_ref_peak_range: list of 2 floats
Peak range searched when looking for ‘reference’ peaks in the destination spectrum for spectral warping.
Energy gaussian broadening applied to the stick spectra, useful to merge peaks that you want to treat as one peak in spectral warping.


[beta], [alpha, beta], [beta1, beta2, omega1o, omega2o]: floats describing spectral warp parameters

Also sets arrow1_pos, arrow2_pos for use in spectral warp plots.

Standalone module routines

Task that generates and plots uv/vis Spectra for solutes in solvent. Also contains routines to calculate spectral warp parameters and RGB colours from spectra

esteem.tasks.spectra.RGB_colour(spectrum, args)[source]

Finds the RGB colour corresponding to a given absorption spectrum and illumination.

spectrum: numpy array
Spectrum for which to find the colour
args: namespace or class

Full set of arguments for the spectra task. Relevant to this routine are:

args.XYZresponse and args.illuminant which supply the Color Space XYZ response spectra and the illuminant spectrum, respectively.

These must be on the same wavelength scale as the spectrum.

Command-line usage