Source code for esteem.tasks.spectra

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

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"""Task that generates and plots uv/vis Spectra for solutes in solvent.
Also contains routines to calculate spectral warp parameters and RGB colours from spectra"""

# # Main Routine

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import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
[docs]class SpectraTask: def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.wrapper = None self.script_settings = None args = self.make_parser().parse_args("") for arg in vars(args): setattr(self,arg,None) #from amp import Amp
[docs] def main(args,fig=None,ax=None,plotlabel=None,rgb=np.array((0.0,0.0,0.0))): """ Main routine for plotting a spectrum. Capable of applying Gaussian broadening to a stick spectrum to produce a broadened spectrum, and also of applying spectral warping to shift/scale the stick spectrum. *Arguments*: args: namespace or class All arguments for the job - see documentation below. fig, ax: matplotlib objects Figure and axis objects for matplotlib.pyplot. Initialised anew if they have value None on entry. plotlabel: Label to add the key for this dataset. rgb: Colour of the line/points for this dataset. If set to (-1.0,-1.0,-1.0), the RGB colour will be calculated from the spectrum. *Returns*: broad_spectrum,spec_plot,fig,ax,all_transition_origins *Output*: Plots the spectrum to 'args.output' as a png file if requested. """ from ase.calculators.onetep import Onetep; from ase.calculators.nwchem import NWChem; from esteem.wrappers import onetep from esteem.wrappers import nwchem from import Trajectory import os #validate_args(args) if args.inputformat.lower()=="nwchem": calc=NWChem(label="temp") wrapper=nwchem.NWChemWrapper() read_excitations = wrapper.read_excitations elif args.inputformat.lower()=="onetep": calc=Onetep(label="temp") wrapper=onetep.OnetepWrapper() read_excitations = wrapper.read_excitations #elif args.inputformat.lower()=="amp": # calc = [] # for f in args.files: # calc.append(Amp.load(f)) # args.files = [] else: raise Exception('Unrecognised input format. The value of inputformat was: {}'.format(args.inputformat)) all_excitations = [] all_transition_origins = [] if args.trajectory is not None: for trajfile in args.trajectory: traj = Trajectory(trajfile) for frame in traj: E = [] i=0 excitations = [] for c in calc: i = i + 1 frame.set_calculator(c) E.append(frame.get_potential_energy()) if len(E)>1: excitations.append(np.array((i,E[-1]-E[0],1.0))) all_excitations.append(excitations) for f in args.files: if not os.path.isfile(f): raise OSError(f'Could not read file {f}') #try: label = f.replace(".nwo","") label = label.replace(".out","") calc.label = label read_excitations(calc) all_excitations.append(calc.results['excitations']) if args.inputformat.lower()=="nwchem": all_transition_origins.append(calc.results['transition_origins']) #except: # print(f'Reading excitations failed for: {f}') stick_spectrum = np.array(all_excitations) wv = np.arange(args.wavelength[0],args.wavelength[1],args.wavelength[2]) broad_spectrum = np.zeros((len(wv),3)) for i,x in enumerate(wv): broad_spectrum[i,:] = np.array((x,spectral_value(x,stick_spectrum,args),wavelength_eV_conv/x)) if args.renorm: if isinstance(args.renorm,float): broad_spectrum[:,1] = broad_spectrum[:,1] * args.renorm else: # renormalise so highest peak has maximum value 1 broad_spectrum[:,1] = broad_spectrum[:,1] / np.amax(broad_spectrum[:,1]) if (rgb == np.array((-1.0,-1.0,-1.0))).all(): rgb = RGB_colour(stick_spectrum,args) # Set up and make plot if fig is None and ax is None: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax.set_ylabel('Absorbtion (arb)') #x_ticks = np.arange(args.wavelength[0], args.wavelength[1], 25) #pyplot.xticks(x_ticks) #spec_plot = plot_sticks(stick_spectrum,rgb,fig,ax,all_transition_origins) spec_plot = plot_spectrum(broad_spectrum,rgb,fig,ax,plotlabel) if args.output is not None: fig.savefig(args.output) return broad_spectrum,spec_plot,fig,ax,all_transition_origins
def make_parser(self): # Parse command line values main_help = (' Generates optical spectra from pre-existing excited state \n'+ 'calculation output files') epi_help = ('') from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description=main_help,epilog=epi_help) parser.add_argument('--files','-f',nargs='*',default=[],type=str,help='List of output files from which to generate spectrum') parser.add_argument('--trajectory','-t',nargs='*',default=None,type=str,help='Trajectory file if using a calculator') parser.add_argument('--wavelength','-w',default=[200.0,800.0,1.0],nargs=3,type=float,help='List of minimum, maximum wavelength and step') parser.add_argument('--warp_params','-s',default=[0.0],nargs='?',type=float,help='Parameters for spectral warp - meaning differs depending on warp_scheme argument') parser.add_argument('--warp_scheme',default="beta",nargs='?',type=str,help='Scheme for spectral warp (beta,alphabeta or betabeta)') parser.add_argument('--broad','-b',default=0.05,type=float,help='Broadening for spectrum, in eV') parser.add_argument('--renorm','-R',default=True,type=bool,help='Renormalise spectrum so that highest peak is at 1.0') parser.add_argument('--inputformat','-i',default="onetep",type=str,help='Expected format of output files') parser.add_argument('--output','-o',default=None,type=str,help='File to write final plots to') parser.add_argument('--illuminant','-I',default='D65_illuminant.txt',type=str,help='Spectrum of illuminant for calculating RGB colour') parser.add_argument('--XYZresponse','-X',default='XYZ_response.txt',type=str,help='Response spectrum X, Y and Z functions for calculating RGB colour') # For use in Drivers only, for setting up spectral warping and colouring plots parser.add_argument('--exc_suffix','-e',default="exc",nargs='?',type=str,help='Suffix of excitation calculation directories') parser.add_argument('--warp_broad',default=None,nargs='?',type=float,help='Broadening to apply when calculating warp parameters') parser.add_argument('--warp_origin_ref_peak_range',default=None,nargs='?',type=str,help='Wavelength range in origin spectrum to be included in finding peaks for spectral warping') parser.add_argument('--warp_origin_prefix',default="is_tddft",nargs='?',type=str,help='Prefix where spectral warp origin output files will be found') parser.add_argument('--warp_dest_ref_peak_range',default=None,nargs='?',type=str,help='Wavelength range in destination spectrum to be included in finding peaks for spectral warping') parser.add_argument('--warp_dest_prefix',default="is_tddft",nargs='?',type=str,help='Prefix where spectral warp destination output files will be found') parser.add_argument('--warp_inputformat',default="nwchem",nargs='?',type=str,help='Expected format of output files for calculating spectral warp parameters') parser.add_argument('--warp_files',default="tddft.nwo",nargs='?',type=str,help='Files for calculating spectral warp parameters') parser.add_argument('--line_colours',default=None,nargs='?',type=str,help='Line colours for final plot') parser.add_argument('--merge_solutes',default={},type=dict,help='Dictionary of solutes that should be merged into each key') return parser def validate_args(args): default_args = make_parser().parse_args("") for arg in vars(args): if arg not in default_args: raise Exception(f"Unrecognised argument '{arg}'") # # Helper Routines # In[ ]:
[docs] def find_spectral_warp_params(args,dest_spectrum,origin_spectrum,arrow1_pos,arrow2_pos): """ Finds spectral warping parameters via a range of schemes. See spectra documentation page for more detail. *Arguments* dest_spectrum: numpy array of floats Contains the spectral warp 'destination' spectrum (usually a high level of theory that can only be afforded for the solute molecule) origin_spectrum: numpy array of floats Contains the spectral warp 'origin' spectrum (usually a cheap level of theory, same as in the Clusters job) args.warp_scheme: str The scheme used for the warping. Allowed values: 'beta', 'alphabeta', 'betabeta' args.warp_origin_ref_peak_range: list of 2 floats Peak range searched when looking for 'reference' peaks in the origin spectrum for spectral warping. args.warp_dest_ref_peak_range: list of 2 floats Peak range searched when looking for 'reference' peaks in the destination spectrum for spectral warping. args.broad: Energy gaussian broadening applied to the stick spectra, useful to merge peaks that you want to treat as one peak in spectral warping. *Returns* [beta], [alpha, beta], [beta1, beta2, omega1o, omega2o]: floats describing spectral warp parameters Also sets arrow1_pos, arrow2_pos for use in spectral warp plots. """ if args.warp_scheme == None: return hc = wavelength_eV_conv # Mask anything outside the allowed range dest_spectrum_masked = mask_spectrum(dest_spectrum, args.warp_dest_ref_peak_range[0],args.warp_dest_ref_peak_range[1]) origin_spectrum_masked = mask_spectrum(origin_spectrum, args.warp_origin_ref_peak_range[0],args.warp_origin_ref_peak_range[1]) # Find maximum value of remaining spectra dest_maxloc = np.argmax(dest_spectrum_masked[:,1]) dest_lambdamax = dest_spectrum[dest_maxloc,0] origin_maxloc = np.argmax(origin_spectrum_masked[:,1]) origin_lambdamax = origin_spectrum[origin_maxloc,0] # Set up position of (first) arrow on plot arrow1_pos[0] = origin_lambdamax arrow1_pos[1] = origin_spectrum[origin_maxloc,1] arrow1_pos[2] = dest_lambdamax - origin_lambdamax arrow1_pos[3] = 0 # Convert to energy omega1d = hc / dest_lambdamax omega1o = hc / origin_lambdamax print(f'lambda(max) of origin spectrum = {origin_lambdamax}') print(f'lambda(max) of dest spectrum = {dest_lambdamax}') # Set acceptable ranges of result betamin = -1.50 betamax = 2.4 alphamin = 0.3 alphamax = 1.8 if args.warp_scheme == 'beta': beta = omega1d - omega1o # Report and check results print(f'Spectral warp beta param from origin to dest = {beta} eV') if beta<betamin or beta>betamax: raise Exception(f'beta parameter {beta} out of allowed range ({betamin} to {betamax}). Stopping.') return [beta] # Get spectrum masked again dest_spectrum_tmp = mask_spectrum(dest_spectrum, args.warp_dest_ref_peak_range[0],args.warp_dest_ref_peak_range[1]) origin_spectrum_tmp = mask_spectrum(origin_spectrum, args.warp_origin_ref_peak_range[0],args.warp_origin_ref_peak_range[1]) # Mask section +- 4*broad from omega1d of dest spectrum lower = hc / (omega1d+4*args.broad) upper = hc / (omega1d-4*args.broad) dest_spectrum_masked = mask_spectrum(dest_spectrum_tmp,lower,upper,swap=True) # Mask section +- 4*broad from omega1o of origin spectrum lower = hc / (omega1o+4*args.broad) upper = hc / (omega1o-4*args.broad) origin_spectrum_masked = mask_spectrum(origin_spectrum_tmp,lower,upper,swap=True) # Find maximum value of remaining spectra dest_maxloc = np.argmax(dest_spectrum_masked[:,1]) dest_lambdamax = dest_spectrum[dest_maxloc,0] origin_maxloc = np.argmax(origin_spectrum_masked[:,1]) origin_lambdamax = origin_spectrum[origin_maxloc,0] # Set up position of second arrow on plot arrow2_pos[0] = origin_lambdamax arrow2_pos[1] = origin_spectrum[origin_maxloc,1] arrow2_pos[2] = dest_lambdamax - origin_lambdamax arrow2_pos[3] = 0 omega2d = hc / dest_lambdamax omega2o = hc / origin_lambdamax print(f'second peak lambda(max) of origin spectrum = {origin_lambdamax}') print(f'second peak lambda(max) of dest spectrum = {dest_lambdamax}') if args.warp_scheme == 'avgebeta': beta = ((omega1d - omega1o) + (omega2d - omega2o))*0.5 print(f'Spectral warp beta param from origin to dest = {beta} eV') if beta<betamin or beta>betamax: raise Exception(f'beta parameter {beta} out of allowed range ({betamin} to {betamax}). Stopping.') return [beta] if args.warp_scheme == 'alphabeta': alpha = (omega1d - omega2d) / (omega1o - omega2o) beta = omega2d - alpha*omega2o print(f'Spectral warp alpha, beta params from origin to dest = {alpha} {beta} eV') if beta<betamin or beta>betamax: raise Exception(f'beta parameter {beta} out of allowed range ({betamin} to {betamax}). Stopping.') if alpha<alphamin or alpha>alphamax: raise Exception(f'alpha parameter {alpha} out of allowed range ({alphamin} to {alphamax}). Stopping.') return [alpha, beta] if args.warp_scheme == 'betabeta': beta1 = omega1d - omega1o beta2 = omega2d - omega2o # Ensure omega1o < omega2o, swap if not. if (omega1o > omega2o): tmp = omega2o; omega2o = omega1o; omega1o = tmp tmp = beta2; beta2 = beta1; beta1 = tmp print(f'Spectral warp beta1, beta2, omega1, omega2 params from origin to dest = {beta1} {beta2} {omega1o} {omega2o} eV') if beta1<betamin or beta1>betamax: raise Exception(f'beta1 parameter {beta1} out of allowed range ({betamin} to {betamax}). Stopping.') if beta2<betamin or beta2>betamax: raise Exception(f'beta2 parameter {beta2} out of allowed range ({betamin} to {betamax}). Stopping.') return [beta1, beta2, omega1o, omega2o] raise Exception(f'Unrecognised warp scheme: {args.warp_scheme}')
def spectral_warp(exc,args): exc_w = exc if args.warp_scheme == 'beta' or args.warp_scheme == 'avgebeta': exc_w = exc + args.warp_params[0] if args.warp_scheme == 'alphabeta': exc_w = exc*args.warp_params[0] + args.warp_params[1] if args.warp_scheme == 'betabeta': beta1, beta2, omega1, omega2 = args.warp_params if (exc<omega1): beta = beta1 elif (exc>omega2): beta = beta2 elif (abs(exc-omega2)<abs(exc-omega1)): beta = beta2 else: beta = beta1 exc_w = exc + beta return exc_w def mask_spectrum(spectrum,lower,upper,swap=False): spectrum_masked = spectrum.copy() mask = (spectrum_masked[:,0]>lower)&(spectrum_masked[:,0]<upper) if swap: mask = np.logical_not(mask) spectrum_masked[:,1] = spectrum_masked[:,1]*mask return spectrum_masked def spectral_value(wavelength,spectrum,args): wav_in_eV=wavelength_eV_conv/wavelength abs_value=0.0 p = 1/(args.broad*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) for snap in spectrum: for exc in snap: abs_value=abs_value+p*exc[2]*np.exp(-0.5 * ((wav_in_eV-spectral_warp(exc[1],args))/args.broad)**2) return abs_value def total_source_val(wavelength,intensity,spectrum,args): spectral_contribution=spectral_value(wavelength,spectrum,args) path_length=10 exponential_term=np.exp(-spectral_contribution*path_length) source_val=exponential_term*intensity return source_val
[docs]def RGB_colour(spectrum,args): """ Finds the RGB colour corresponding to a given absorption spectrum and illumination. spectrum: numpy array Spectrum for which to find the colour args: namespace or class Full set of arguments for the spectra task. Relevant to this routine are: ``args.XYZresponse`` and ``args.illuminant`` which supply the Color Space XYZ response spectra and the illuminant spectrum, respectively. These must be on the same wavelength scale as the spectrum. """ xyz_funcs=np.genfromtxt(args.XYZresponse) illu=np.genfromtxt(args.illuminant) x_int=0.0 y_int=0.0 z_int=0.0 step_length=(illu[1,0]-illu[0,0]) h=step_length/2.0 counter = 0 # Numerical integration in a totally unpythonic way (to be fixed - must be a SciPy routine for this) for x in illu: wavelength=x[0] temp_val=total_source_val(wavelength,x[1],spectrum,args) if counter==0: x_int = x_int+temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,1] y_int = y_int+temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,2] z_int = z_int+temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,3] else: x_int = x_int+2.0*temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,1] y_int = y_int+2.0*temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,2] z_int = z_int+2.0*temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,3] counter=counter+1 counter=counter-1 wavelength=illu[counter,0] temp_val=total_source_val(wavelength,illu[counter,1],spectrum,args) x_int = (x_int-1.0*temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,1])*h y_int = (y_int-1.0*temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,2])*h z_int = (z_int-1.0*temp_val*xyz_funcs[counter,3])*h # Conversion (linear transformation) from Color Space X, Y, Z values to R, G, B r_int=0.41847*x_int-0.15866*y_int-0.082835*z_int g_int=-0.091169*x_int+0.25243*y_int+0.015708*z_int b_int=0.00092090*x_int-0.0025498*y_int+0.17860*z_int # Black magic (need to check ref for why 384.0) normalisation=384.0/(r_int+g_int+b_int) if normalisation*r_int>255.0: normalisation=255.0/r_int if normalisation*g_int>255.0: normalisation=255.0/g_int if normalisation*b_int>255.0: normalisation=255.0/b_int rgb = np.array((r_int,g_int,b_int))*normalisation print('R value:') print(rgb[0]) print('G value:') print(rgb[1]) print('B value:') print(rgb[2]) return rgb
def plot_spectrum(broad_spectrum,rgb,fig,ax,label): # Plot data spec = ax.plot(broad_spectrum[:,0], broad_spectrum[:,1], 'r-',label=label) pyplot.setp(spec,color=rgb*(1.0/256.0)) if label is not None: ax.legend() return spec def plot_sticks(stick_spectrum,rgb,fig,ax,labels): # Plot data print(stick_spectrum[:,0]) print(stick_spectrum[:,1]) #spec = ax.stem(stick_spectrum[:,0], stick_spectrum[:,1]) spec = ax.stem([0,1,2],[12,51,1]) pyplot.setp(spec,color=rgb*(1.0/256.0)) return spec # # Define input parser # In[ ]: # # Command-line driver # In[ ]: if __name__ == '__main__': parser = make_parser() args = parser.parse_args() print('#',args) main(args)