Solutes module


class esteem.tasks.solutes.SolutesTask(**kwargs)[source]

Main routine for the Solutes task. Iterates through the sub-tasks, some of which are optional:

Geometry optimisation, rotamer checks, rotation to plane, excited state calculations, and vibrational frequency calculations.

namelist: list of str
Short names of the solutes to be optimised. Initial geometries should be present in ‘./xyz’ directory.
self: namespace or class

Member variables contain argument list for the whole job, with members including:

solvent, target, rotate, rotamers, vibrations, charges, directory solvent_settings, basis, func, nroots

Generate default arguments first with a call to solutes.make_parser(), then adjust the member variables as required.

wrapper: class

Wrapper for running components of the job, with members including:

singlepoint, geom_opt, excitations, freq

Outputs for each species:

In the directory ‘xyz’: initial geometries (either input, or from get_xyz_files)

In the directory ‘geom’: outputs of geometry optimisations.

In the directory ‘opt’: optimised gas-phase geometries.

In the directory ‘is_opt’: optimised implicit solvent geometries. These may be used as inputs for the Solvate task.

In the directory ‘is_tddft_{solvent}’: implicit solvent tddft results. These may be used as inputs for spectral warping in the Spectra task.

get_xyz_files(namelist, out_path)[source]

Downloads initial geometries from the NCI’s webserver cactus, based on their IUPAC names.

These geometries are usually not great, but are a reasonable starting point for optimisation.

Visit to see what works and check your names before use.

Uses wget, so if the machine you are using does not have access to this command, this routine will fail, in which case put starting point geometries in the directory ‘xyz’.

namelist: dict
Keys are shortnames (eg “cate”), entries are full names (eg “catechol” or “1,2-dihydroxybenzene”)
out_path: str
String for directory name where xyz files will be written (eg “xyz”). Created if not present
geom_opt_all(solute_names, in_path, out_path, geom_opt_func, calc_params, driver_tol='default', solvent=None, charges={})[source]

Geometry optimise all of a list of solutes

solute_names: list of str
Short names of the solutes to be optimised
in_path: str
Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped.
out_path: str
Directory where optimised structure .xyz files are written. Created if not present.
geom_opt_func: function
A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform geometry optimisation.
calc_params: dict
Contents varies between different wrappers, but generally specifies basis, functional etc
driver_tol: str
Geometry optimisation tolerance level (eg in NWChem)
target: int
Excited state index, or None for ground state
solvent: str
Implicit solvent name, or None for gas-phase
charges: dict
Keys are strings corresponding to some or all of the entries in solute names, entries are net charges on each molecule
find_best_rotas(solute_names, in_path, out_path, singlepoint_func, geom_opt_func, calc_params, solvent=None, charges={})[source]

Finds the lowest energy rotamer for each of a list of solutes. Proceeds by identifying -OH groups attached to C-C units, and tries ‘flipping’ the dihedral, then optimising the resulting geometry if it within a certain tolerance of the original energy. If any lower energy structure is found, this will be returned instead of the original one.

solute_names: list of str
Short names of the solutes to be tested
in_path: str
Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped.
out_path: str
Directory where best rotamer structure .xyz files are written. Created if not present.
singlepoint_func: function
A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform a singlepoint calculation.
geom_opt_func: function
A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform geometry optimisation.
calc_params: dict
Contents varies between different wrappers, but generally specifies basis, functional etc
solvent: str
Implicit solvent name, or None for gas-phase
charges: dict
Keys are strings corresponding to some or all of the entries in solute names, entries are net charges on each molecule
rotate_all_to_xy_plane(solute_names, in_path, out_path, target=None)[source]

Rotates each of a list of solutes so that the longest two C-C distances lie in the xy plane.

solute_names: list of str
Short names of the solutes to be tested
in_path: str
Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped.
out_path: str
Directory where rotated structure .xyz files are written. Created if not present.
target: int
Excited state index, or None for ground state
find_range_sep(solute_names, in_path, out_path, wrapper, calc_params, solvent=None, charges={}, rs_range=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], all_readonly=False)[source]

Optimises the range separation parameter gamma in a range-separated Hybrid functional with Yukawa-switching. See ‘Using optimally tuned range separated hybrid functionals in ground-state calculations: Consequences and caveats’, Andreas Karolewski, Leeor Kronik, and Stephan Kümmel J. Chem. Phys. 138, 204115 (2013) and ‘Electronic Band Shapes Calculated with Optimally Tuned Range-Separated Hybrid Functionals’ B. Moore, et al, D. Jacquemin, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2014, 10, 10, 4599

Minimises J^2 = Sum_i=0^1 [eps_H[N+i] + IP(N+i)))]^2 where IP(N) = E(N-1) - E(N) so J^2 = Sum_i=0^1 [eps_H[N+i] + E(N-1+i) - E(N+i)]^2

= [eps_H[N] + E(N-1) - E(N)]^2 + [eps_H[N+1] + E(N) - E(N+1)]^2
calc_all_excited_states(solute_names, in_path, out_path, excit_func, calc_params, nroots, solvent=None, charges={}, plot_homo=None, plot_lumo=None, plot_trans_den=None)[source]

Calculate excited states for each of a list of solutes

solute_names: list of str
Short names of the solutes to be tested
in_path: str
Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped.
out_path: str
Directory where output files are written. Created if not present.
excit_func: function
A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform a electronic excitation calculations.
calc_params: dict
Contents varies between different wrappers, but generally specifies basis, functional etc
nroots: int
Number of excitations to find
target: int
Excited state index, or None for ground state
solvent: str
Implicit solvent name, or None for gas-phase
charges: dict
Keys are strings corresponding to some or all of the entries in solute names, entries are net charges on each molecule
calc_vib_freq(solute_names, in_path, out_path, freq_func, calc_params, solvent=None, charges={})[source]

Calculate vibrational frequencies for each of a list of solutes

solute_names: list of str
Short names of the solutes to be tested
in_path: str
Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped.
out_path: str
Directory where output files are written. Created if not present.
freq_func: function
A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform a vibrational frequency calculation.
calc_params: dict
Contents varies between different wrappers, but generally specifies basis, functional etc
target: int
Excited state index, or None for ground state
solvent: str
Implicit solvent name, or None for gas-phase
charges: dict
Keys are strings corresponding to some or all of the entries in solute names, entries are net charges on each molecule

Change the current working directory to the specified path.

path may always be specified as a string. On some platforms, path may also be specified as an open file descriptor.

If this functionality is unavailable, using it raises an exception.

Return a unicode string representing the current working directory.

makedirs(name [, mode=0o777][, exist_ok=False])

Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. Works like mkdir, except that any intermediate path segment (not just the rightmost) will be created if it does not exist. If the target directory already exists, raise an OSError if exist_ok is False. Otherwise no exception is raised. This is recursive.

np = <module 'numpy' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>
path = <module 'posixpath' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>
read(index: Any = None, format: str = None, parallel: bool = True, do_not_split_by_at_sign: bool = False, **kwargs) → Union[ase.atoms.Atoms, List[ase.atoms.Atoms]]

Read Atoms object(s) from file.

filename: str or file
Name of the file to read from or a file descriptor.
index: int, slice or str

The last configuration will be returned by default. Examples:

  • index=0: first configuration
  • index=-2: second to last
  • index=':' or index=slice(None): all
  • index='-3:' or index=slice(-3, None): three last
  • index='::2' or index=slice(0, None, 2): even
  • index='1::2' or index=slice(1, None, 2): odd
format: str
Used to specify the file-format. If not given, the file-format will be guessed by the filetype function.
parallel: bool
Default is to read on master and broadcast to slaves. Use parallel=False to read on all slaves.
do_not_split_by_at_sign: bool
If False (default) filename is splited by at sign @

Many formats allow on open file-like object to be passed instead of filename. In this case the format cannot be auto-decected, so the format argument should be explicitly given.

rotate_and_center_solute(nat_solute=None, boxsize=None)

Rotates a cluster model so the solute is centered and lies in the xy plane

write(images: Union[ase.atoms.Atoms, Sequence[ase.atoms.Atoms]], format: str = None, parallel: bool = True, append: bool = False, **kwargs) → None

Write Atoms object(s) to file.

filename: str or file
Name of the file to write to or a file descriptor. The name ‘-’ means standard output.
images: Atoms object or list of Atoms objects
A single Atoms object or a list of Atoms objects.
format: str
Used to specify the file-format. If not given, the file-format will be taken from suffix of the filename.
parallel: bool
Default is to write on master only. Use parallel=False to write from all slaves.
append: bool
Default is to open files in ‘w’ or ‘wb’ mode, overwriting existing files. In some cases opening the file in ‘a’ or ‘ab’ mode (appending) is useful, e.g. writing trajectories or saving multiple Atoms objects in one file. WARNING: If the file format does not support multiple entries without additional keywords/headers, files created using ‘append=True’ might not be readable by any program! They will nevertheless be written without error message.

The use of additional keywords is format specific. write() may return an object after writing certain formats, but this behaviour may change in the future.

Standalone module routines

Runs DFT and TDDFT calculations on Solute (or Solvent) molecules, in implicit solvent

Command-line usage