Source code for esteem.tasks.solutes

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[ ]:

"""Runs DFT and TDDFT calculations on Solute (or Solvent) molecules, in implicit solvent"""

# # Main driver routine

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[docs]class SolutesTask: def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.wrapper = None self.script_settings = None default_args = self.make_parser().parse_args("") # Set values of all parameters (defaults unless overridden) for arg in vars(default_args): if arg in kwargs: val = kwargs[arg] else: val = getattr(default_args,arg) setattr(self,arg,val)
[docs] def run(self,namelist): """ Main routine for the Solutes task. Iterates through the sub-tasks, some of which are optional: Geometry optimisation, rotamer checks, rotation to plane, excited state calculations, and vibrational frequency calculations. namelist: list of str Short names of the solutes to be optimised. Initial geometries should be present in './xyz' directory. self: namespace or class Member variables contain argument list for the whole job, with members including: ``solvent``, ``target``, ``rotate``, ``rotamers``, ``vibrations``, ``charges``, ``directory`` ``solvent_settings``, ``basis``, ``func``, ``nroots`` Generate default arguments first with a call to solutes.make_parser(), then adjust the member variables as required. wrapper: class Wrapper for running components of the job, with members including: ``singlepoint``, ``geom_opt``, ``excitations``, ``freq`` *Outputs for each species*: In the directory 'xyz': initial geometries (either input, or from get_xyz_files) In the directory 'geom': outputs of geometry optimisations. In the directory 'opt': optimised gas-phase geometries. In the directory 'is_opt': optimised implicit solvent geometries. These may be used as inputs for the Solvate task. In the directory 'is_tddft_{solvent}': implicit solvent tddft results. These may be used as inputs for spectral warping in the Spectra task. """ prevdir = "xyz" if self.calc_params is None: self.calc_params = {} if self.calc_params == {}: self.calc_params = {'basis': self.basis, 'func': self.func, 'target':} # Geometry Optimisation driver_tol = 'default' if self.vibrations and self.solvent is None: driver_tol = 'tight' nextdir = "opt" self.geom_opt_all(namelist,prevdir,nextdir,self.wrapper.geom_opt,self.calc_params, driver_tol,charges=self.charges) prevdir = nextdir # Rotamer search, if requested if self.rotamers: nextdir = "best_rota" self.find_best_rotas(namelist,prevdir,nextdir,self.wrapper.singlepoint, self.wrapper.geom_opt,self.calc_params,charges=self.charges) prevdir = nextdir if self.rotate: nextdir = "opt_rot" self.rotate_all_to_xy_plane(namelist,prevdir,nextdir, prevdir = nextdir if self.nroots > 0 and self.solvent is None: nextdir = "tddft" self.calc_all_excited_states(namelist,prevdir,nextdir,self.wrapper.excitations, self.calc_params,self.nroots,charges=self.charges) # Vibrational frequency calculations, if requested and no higher # level of theory will follow later if self.vibrations and self.solvent is None: nextdir = "freq" self.calc_vib_freq(namelist,prevdir,nextdir,self.wrapper.freq,self.calc_params,charges=self.charges) # Solvated calculations if self.solvent is not None: nextdir = "is_opt_"+self.solvstr(self.solvent) if self.vibrations: driver_tol = 'tight' # Geometry Optimisation self.geom_opt_all(namelist,prevdir,nextdir,self.wrapper.geom_opt, self.calc_params,driver_tol,solvent=self.solvent, charges=self.charges) prevdir = nextdir # TDDFT calculations if self.nroots > 0: nextdir = "is_tddft_"+self.solvstr(self.solvent) self.calc_all_excited_states(namelist,prevdir,nextdir,self.wrapper.excitations, self.calc_params,nroots=self.nroots, solvent=self.solvent,charges=self.charges, plot_homo=self.plot_homo,plot_lumo=self.plot_lumo, plot_trans_den=self.plot_trans_den) # Vibrational frequency calculations, if requested if self.vibrations: nextdir = "is_freq_"+self.solvstr(self.solvent) self.calc_vib_freq(namelist,prevdir,nextdir,self.wrapper.freq, self.calc_params,solvent=self.solvent, charges=self.charges)
from os import makedirs, path # Download xyz files if they do not already exist
[docs] def get_xyz_files(self,namelist,out_path): """ Downloads initial geometries from the NCI's webserver cactus, based on their IUPAC names. These geometries are usually not great, but are a reasonable starting point for optimisation. Visit to see what works and check your names before use. Uses ``wget``, so if the machine you are using does not have access to this command, this routine will fail, in which case put starting point geometries in the directory 'xyz'. namelist: dict Keys are shortnames (eg "cate"), entries are full names (eg "catechol" or "1,2-dihydroxybenzene") out_path: str String for directory name where xyz files will be written (eg "xyz"). Created if not present """ from os import path, makedirs import subprocess # Download sdf file from if not path.exists(out_path): makedirs(out_path) for seed in namelist: # TODO: use urllib here wget_str = ("wget -O \""+out_path+"/" + seed + ".xyz\" " + "\"" + namelist[seed] + "/file?format=xyz\"") if not path.exists(out_path+"/"+seed+".xyz"): print(wget_str) errorcode =, shell=True) if errorcode: raise RuntimeError('{} returned an error: {}' .format('wget', errorcode)) else: print("Skipping download: "+out_path+"/"+seed+".xyz already exists") # strip out long names and convert to list shortnames = [x for x in namelist] return shortnames
from os import path, makedirs, getcwd, chdir from import read, write def solvstr(self,solvent): if isinstance(solvent,str): return solvent if isinstance(solvent,dict): return solvent['solvent'] # Optimize geometries of solute selection
[docs] def geom_opt_all(self,solute_names,in_path,out_path,geom_opt_func,calc_params, driver_tol='default',solvent=None,charges={}): """ Geometry optimise all of a list of solutes solute_names: list of str Short names of the solutes to be optimised in_path: str Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped. out_path: str Directory where optimised structure .xyz files are written. Created if not present. geom_opt_func: function A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform geometry optimisation. calc_params: dict Contents varies between different wrappers, but generally specifies basis, functional etc driver_tol: str Geometry optimisation tolerance level (eg in NWChem) target: int Excited state index, or None for ground state solvent: str Implicit solvent name, or None for gas-phase charges: dict Keys are strings corresponding to some or all of the entries in solute names, entries are net charges on each molecule """ from import read, write from os import path, makedirs, getcwd, chdir # Make directory for optimised structures if not path.exists(out_path): makedirs(out_path) sol_str = '' target = calc_params['target'] if solvent is not None: sol_str = f'in {self.solvstr(solvent)} solvent ' for seed in solute_names: if target is not None: baseseed = seed seed = seed+"_es"+str(target) if seed in charges: charge = charges[seed] else: charge = 0 infile = in_path+"/"+seed+".xyz" outfile = out_path+"/"+seed+".xyz" if not path.exists(infile): # Try basename without _esX if target is not None: infile = in_path+"/"+baseseed+".xyz" if not path.exists(infile): print(f'Skipping geometry optimisation {sol_str}'+ f' for: {seed} - no input file') continue solute_opt = read(infile) if path.exists(outfile): print(f'Skipping geometry optimisation {sol_str}'+ f' for: {seed} - output file already present') continue try: print(f'Geometry optimization {sol_str}for: {seed}') label = seed origdir = getcwd() wdir = f'geom/{seed}' if not path.exists(wdir): makedirs(wdir) chdir(wdir) if solvent is not None: label = label+"_"+self.solvstr(solvent) geom_opt_func(solute_opt,label,calc_params,driver_tol,solvent,charge) chdir(origdir) print('Writing to ',outfile) if '' in del[''] write(outfile,solute_opt) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise Exception('Keyboard Interrupt') except SyntaxError: raise Exception('Syntax Error')
#except: # print('Geometry optimisation failed for: ',seed) # Attempt to find best rotamer for each solute
[docs] def find_best_rotas(self,solute_names,in_path,out_path,singlepoint_func, geom_opt_func,calc_params,solvent=None,charges={}): """ Finds the lowest energy rotamer for each of a list of solutes. Proceeds by identifying -OH groups attached to C-C units, and tries 'flipping' the dihedral, then optimising the resulting geometry if it within a certain tolerance of the original energy. If any lower energy structure is found, this will be returned instead of the original one. solute_names: list of str Short names of the solutes to be tested in_path: str Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped. out_path: str Directory where best rotamer structure .xyz files are written. Created if not present. singlepoint_func: function A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform a singlepoint calculation. geom_opt_func: function A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform geometry optimisation. calc_params: dict Contents varies between different wrappers, but generally specifies basis, functional etc solvent: str Implicit solvent name, or None for gas-phase charges: dict Keys are strings corresponding to some or all of the entries in solute names, entries are net charges on each molecule """ from os import path, makedirs from import read, write # Hard-coded logic for what constitutes a rotatable bond # Works OK for -OH groups in organic compounds but will need editing # for anything else. Assumes anything within 1.5A is a bond. rota_elem = ['H','O','C','C'] rota_max_dist = [1.5,1.5,1.5] rota_dih_range = 40 rota_opt_thresh = 0.2 # Make directory for optimised structures if not path.exists(out_path): makedirs(out_path) target = calc_params['target'] for seed in solute_names: if seed in charges: charge = charges[seed] else: charge = 0 if target is not None: seed = seed+"_es"+str(target) outfile = out_path+'/'+seed+'.xyz' infile = in_path+"/"+seed+".xyz" if not path.exists(infile): print('Skipping Rotamer Search for: ',seed, ' - input structure not found') continue if path.exists(outfile): print('Skipping Rotamer Search for: ',seed, ' - output file already present') continue print('Finding best rotamer for: ',seed) sol_opt = read(infile) # Load defaults from module elem = rota_elem max_dist = rota_max_dist dih_range = rota_dih_range opt_thresh = rota_opt_thresh nrot = 0 ijkl = [] sym = sol_opt.get_chemical_symbols() for i in range(len(sol_opt)): if sym[i]==elem[0]: for j in range(len(sol_opt)): if sym[j]==elem[1] and sol_opt.get_distance(i,j) < max_dist[0]: for k in range(len(sol_opt)): if sym[k]==elem[2] and sol_opt.get_distance(j,k) < max_dist[1]: for l in range(len(sol_opt)): if l!=k and sym[l]==elem[3] and sol_opt.get_distance(k,l) < max_dist[2]: dih = sol_opt.get_dihedral(l,k,j,i) if dih>180-dih_range and dih<180+dih_range: ijkl.append([i,j,k,l]) nrot = nrot + 1 break if nrot==0: print('No rotatable OH bonds found') if '' in del[''] write(outfile,sol_opt) else: print(nrot, 'rotatable bonds found, generating all',2**nrot, 'rotamers') origdir = getcwd() wdir = f'{out_path}/{seed}' if not path.exists(wdir): makedirs(wdir) chdir(wdir) flip = [0 for i in range(len(ijkl))] sol_opt_rota = [] energy_rota = [] for rota in range(2**len(ijkl)): sol_opt_rota.append(sol_opt.copy()) flip = [(rota&(2**(len(ijkl)-i-1)))>>(len(ijkl)-i-1) for i in range(len(ijkl))] for oH in range(len(ijkl)): i = ijkl[oH][0]; j = ijkl[oH][1]; k = ijkl[oH][2]; l = ijkl[oH][3]; if flip[oH]: sol_opt_rota[rota].set_dihedral(l,k,j,i,0) label = 'rota'+repr(rota).zfill(3) driver_tol = 'loose' opt = 0 try: energy,_ = singlepoint_func(sol_opt_rota[rota],label,calc_params,charge) if rota==0: energy_rota.append(energy) if rota>0: if energy<energy_rota[0]+opt_thresh: opt = 1 energy, forces, positions = geom_opt_func(sol_opt_rota[rota], label+"_geom",calc_params,driver_tol,charge) write(label+'.xyz',sol_opt_rota[rota]) energy_rota.append(energy) print(rota,':',flip,energy_rota[rota],'opt=',opt) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise Exception('Keyboard Interrupt') except: print('Rotamer energy calculation failed for: ',seed) chdir(origdir) min_energy, best_rota = min( (energy_rota[i],i) for i in xrange(len(energy_rota)) ) write(outfile,sol_opt_rota[best_rota])
# Attempt to rotate molecules to lie in xy-plane # with long axis along x, short axis along y # and central C(=O) atom put at (10,10,10) from esteem.tasks.clusters import rotate_and_center_solute
[docs] def rotate_all_to_xy_plane(self,solute_names,in_path,out_path,target=None): """ Rotates each of a list of solutes so that the longest two C-C distances lie in the xy plane. solute_names: list of str Short names of the solutes to be tested in_path: str Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped. out_path: str Directory where rotated structure .xyz files are written. Created if not present. target: int Excited state index, or None for ground state """ from os import path, makedirs from import read,write # Make directory for rotated structures if not path.exists(out_path): makedirs(out_path) # Load optimised xyz files and write rotated/translated ones for seed in solute_names: if target is not None: seed = seed+"_es"+str(target) try: infile = in_path+"/"+seed+".xyz" outfile = out_path+"/"+seed+".xyz" if not path.exists(infile): print('Skipping rotate and centre operation for: ',seed, ' - no input file') continue rot = read(infile,0) if rot.get_chemical_symbols().count('C') < 2: print('Skipping rotate and centre operation for: ',seed, ' - not enough C atoms') write(outfile,rot) continue rot = rotate_and_center_solute(rot) if '' in del[''] write(outfile,rot) except: print('Rotate and centre operation failed for: ',seed)
import numpy as np from os import path,getcwd,chdir from import read
[docs] def find_range_sep(self,solute_names,in_path,out_path,wrapper, calc_params,solvent=None,charges={},rs_range=[0.1,0.2,0.3],all_readonly=False): ''' Optimises the range separation parameter gamma in a range-separated Hybrid functional with Yukawa-switching. See 'Using optimally tuned range separated hybrid functionals in ground-state calculations: Consequences and caveats', Andreas Karolewski, Leeor Kronik, and Stephan Kümmel J. Chem. Phys. 138, 204115 (2013) and 'Electronic Band Shapes Calculated with Optimally Tuned Range-Separated Hybrid Functionals' B. Moore, et al, D. Jacquemin, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2014, 10, 10, 4599 Minimises J^2 = \Sum_i=0^1 [eps_H[N+i] + IP(N+i)))]^2 where IP(N) = E(N-1) - E(N) so J^2 = \Sum_i=0^1 [eps_H[N+i] + E(N-1+i) - E(N+i)]^2 = [eps_H[N] + E(N-1) - E(N)]^2 + [eps_H[N+1] + E(N) - E(N+1)]^2 ''' wdir = f'{out_path}' if not path.exists(wdir): makedirs(wdir) for seed in solute_names: if seed in charges: charge = charges[seed] else: charge = 0 # Find input and check if output already exists infile = in_path+"/"+seed+".xyz" if not path.exists(infile): print('Skipping optimal RS tuning for: ',seed,' - no input file') # Read the geometry solute=read(infile) # Check if output directory exists, create it if not, and change to it origdir = getcwd() wdir = f'{out_path}/{seed}' if not path.exists(wdir): makedirs(wdir) chdir(wdir) func = calc_params['func'] basis = calc_params['basis'] energy = {} calc = {} evals = {} occs = {} rs_mid = 0.4 rs_del = 0.1 for rsf in rs_range: for c in [charge,charge+1,charge-1]: rs = f'{rsf:.2f}' label = f"ot_pars_cam{rs}_Q{c}" outfile = f'{label}' print(f'Optimal RS tuning with rs={rs} for: {seed} (Q={c}): ({basis} {func} {self.solvstr(solvent)})') if path.exists(outfile+".out") or path.exists(outfile+".nwo") or all_readonly: print('Skipping - Output file already present') readonly = True else: readonly = False # Assume when c==charge, system is closed-shell if c != charge: s = 0.5 occfac = 0.99 else: s = 0 occfac = 1.99 calc_params['func'] = func+f':{rs}' energy[rs,c], calc[rs,c] = wrapper.singlepoint(solute,label,calc_params, solvent=solvent,charge=c,spin=s,readonly=readonly) print(rs,c,energy[rs,c]/Ha) evals[rs,c] = calc[rs,c].calc.kpts[0].eps_n occs[rs,c] = calc[rs,c].calc.kpts[0].f_n if c != charge: evals[rs,c,s] = calc[rs,c].calc.kpts[1].eps_n occs[rs,c,s] = calc[rs,c].calc.kpts[1].f_n chdir(origdir) return energy,calc,evals,occs
# Calculate Excited states of all molecules
[docs] def calc_all_excited_states(self,solute_names,in_path,out_path,excit_func, calc_params,nroots,solvent=None,charges={}, plot_homo=None,plot_lumo=None,plot_trans_den=None): """ Calculate excited states for each of a list of solutes solute_names: list of str Short names of the solutes to be tested in_path: str Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped. out_path: str Directory where output files are written. Created if not present. excit_func: function A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform a electronic excitation calculations. calc_params: dict Contents varies between different wrappers, but generally specifies basis, functional etc nroots: int Number of excitations to find target: int Excited state index, or None for ground state solvent: str Implicit solvent name, or None for gas-phase charges: dict Keys are strings corresponding to some or all of the entries in solute names, entries are net charges on each molecule """ from import read from os import path, makedirs, getcwd, chdir target = calc_params['target'] wdir = f'{out_path}' if not path.exists(wdir): makedirs(wdir) for seed in solute_names: if seed in charges: charge = charges[seed] else: charge = 0 if target is not None: seed = seed+"_es"+str(target) # Find input and check if output already exists infile = in_path+"/"+seed+".xyz" outfile = f'{out_path}/{seed}/tddft' if not path.exists(infile): print('Skipping TDDFT excitations for: ',seed,' - no input file') continue readonly = False if path.exists(outfile+".out") or path.exists(outfile+".nwo"): print('Skipping recalculation of TDDFT excitations for: ',seed, ',',self.solvstr(solvent),' - output file already present') readonly = True else: print('TDDFT excitations for: ',seed) # Read the geometry solute=read(infile) # Check if output directory exists, create it if not, and change to it origdir = getcwd() wdir = f'{out_path}/{seed}' if not path.exists(wdir): makedirs(wdir) chdir(wdir) # Now run the excitations function of the wrapper excit_func(solute,"tddft",calc_params,nroots,solvent,charge,readonly=readonly, plot_homo=plot_homo,plot_lumo=plot_lumo,plot_trans_den=plot_trans_den) chdir(origdir)
# Calculate vibrational frequencies of all molecules
[docs] def calc_vib_freq(self,solute_names,in_path,out_path,freq_func, calc_params,solvent=None,charges={}): """ Calculate vibrational frequencies for each of a list of solutes solute_names: list of str Short names of the solutes to be tested in_path: str Directory where .xyz files are expected to be found. Any not present are skipped. out_path: str Directory where output files are written. Created if not present. freq_func: function A function wrapping creation of an ASE calculator and using it to perform a vibrational frequency calculation. calc_params: dict Contents varies between different wrappers, but generally specifies basis, functional etc target: int Excited state index, or None for ground state solvent: str Implicit solvent name, or None for gas-phase charges: dict Keys are strings corresponding to some or all of the entries in solute names, entries are net charges on each molecule """ from import read from os import path, makedirs, getcwd, chdir wdir = f'{out_path}' target = calc_params['target'] if not path.exists(wdir): makedirs(wdir) for seed in solute_names: if seed in charges: charge = charges[seed] else: charge = 0 if target is not None: seed = seed+"_es"+str(target) infile = in_path+"/"+seed+".xyz" outfile = out_path+"/"+seed+"/freq" if not path.exists(infile): print('Skipping Vibrational Frequencies for: ',seed, ' - no input file') continue if path.exists(outfile+".out") or path.exists(outfile+".nwo"): print('Skipping Vibrational Frequencies for: ',seed, ' - output file already present') continue solute=read(infile) print('Vibrational Frequencies for: ',seed) origdir = getcwd() wdir = f'{out_path}/{seed}' if not path.exists(wdir): makedirs(wdir) chdir(wdir) try: freq_func(solute,"freq",calc_params,solvent,charge) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise Exception('Keyboard Interrupt') except: print('Vibrational Frequencies failed for: ',seed) chdir(origdir)
# Create a parser for the solutes program def make_parser(self): import argparse # Parse command line values main_help = ('Prepares DFT-optimised model structures for a list of solutes.\n'+ 'for each solvent, loops over various tasks:\n'+ 'download xyz, geom opt, TDDFT\n'+ 'rotamer search, rotation to xy-plane,\n'+ 'solvated geom opt and TDDFT.') epi_help = ('Names are read in from the file provided in the "namefile"\n' + 'argument. All other\n' + 'arguments are optional and turn on other tasks. To provide\n' + 'pre-optimised inputs, put their structures in a pre-existing\n' + 'directory named "xyz". If not present, an attempt will be\n' + 'made to download a structure from the NIH chemical name\n' + 'resolver (CACTUS).') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main_help,epilog=epi_help) parser.add_argument('--namefile','-N',default='names',type=str,help='File from which to read a list of names of solvent or solute molecules. Each line should take the form "shortname: IUPACsystematicname"') parser.add_argument('--solvent','-S',default=None,type=str,help='Solvent for implicit solvent runs.') parser.add_argument('--nroots','-n',default=5,type=int,help='Number of TDDFT excitations to calculate.') parser.add_argument('--target','-t',default=None,type=int,help='Targetted TDDFT excitation for geom opt.)') parser.add_argument('--rotate','-r',default=True,type=bool,help='If True, attempt to rotate molecule so that the "flattest" part, defined by furthest-apart pairs of C atoms, lies in the xy-plane') parser.add_argument('--rotamers','-R',default=False,nargs='?',const=True,type=bool,help='If True, attempt to find the lowest-energy rotamer by switching positions of all rotatable -OH groups.') parser.add_argument('--vibrations','-V',default=False,nargs='?',const=True,type=bool,help='If True, Calculate all vibrational frequencies for final level of theory.') parser.add_argument('--charges','-Q',default={},nargs='?',type=dict,help='Charges on molecular species. Not for command-line use') parser.add_argument('--directory','-D',default=None,nargs='?',type=str,help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--calc_params','-Z',default={},nargs='?',type=str,help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # Wrapper Dependent parser.add_argument('--solvent_settings',default=None,type=str,help='Solvent settings for implicit solvent runs.') parser.add_argument('--plot_homo','-H',default=None,type=int,help='Number of orbitals from HOMO downwards to plot') parser.add_argument('--plot_lumo','-L',default=None,type=int,help='Number of orbitals from LUMO downwards to plot') parser.add_argument('--plot_trans_den','-T',default=None,type=int,help='Number of excitations for which to plot the transition density') parser.add_argument('--basis','-b',default='6-31g',type=str,help='Basis set string for geom opt and TDDFT.') parser.add_argument('--func','-f',default='PBE',type=str,help='XC Functional string for geom opt and TDDFT.') return parser def validate_args(self,args): default_args = make_parser().parse_args("") for arg in vars(args): if arg not in default_args: raise Exception(f"Unrecognised argument '{arg}'")
# In[ ]: # Main program if __name__ == '__main__': args = make_parser().parse_args() if ( = None print(args) sols = SolutesTask() # get list of molecules and sanitize with open(args.namefile) as f: namelist = f.readlines() namelist = [x.split(":") for x in namelist] namelist = [[y.strip() for y in x] for x in namelist] # duplicate if a shortname has not been assigned namelist = [[x[0],x[0]] if len(x)==1 else x for x in namelist] # make it into a dictionary namelist = {x[0]: x[1] for x in namelist} # download xyz files from cactus if not already present namelist = get_xyz_files(namelist,"xyz") # run main driver from esteem.wrappers import nwchem sols.wrapper = nwchem.NWChemWrapper()