Source code for esteem.tasks.ml_trajectories

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

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"""Defines a task to use a Machine Learning calculator to generate
Molecular Dynamics trajectories"""

# # Main Routine

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# Load essential modules
import sys
import os
import string
from import Trajectory
from esteem.trajectories import generate_md_trajectory, find_initial_geometry, get_trajectory_list

[docs]class MLTrajTask: def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.wrapper = None self.script_settings = None self.task_command = 'mltraj' self.train_params = {} args = self.make_parser().parse_args("") for arg in vars(args): setattr(self,arg,getattr(args,arg)) # Main routine
[docs] def run(self): """Main routine for the ML_Trajectories task""" # Check input args are valid #validate_args(self) # Make sure trajectory choices are valid all_trajs = get_trajectory_list(self.ntraj) if self.which_trajs is None: which_trajs = all_trajs else: which_trajs = self.which_trajs for traj_label in which_trajs: if traj_label not in all_trajs: raise Exception(f"Invalid trajectory name: {traj_label}") # Set up calculator parameters dict if self.calc_seed is None: self.calc_seed = self.seed calc_params = {'calc_seed': self.calc_seed, 'calc_suffix': self.calc_suffix, 'calc_prefix': f'../{self.calc_prefix}', # MD will be run from subdirectory 'target':} if self.calc_seed is not None: calc_params['calc_seed'] = self.calc_seed for traj_label in which_trajs: # Find (or relax) initial geometry calc_params['calc_prefix'] = './'+self.calc_prefix model = find_initial_geometry(self.seed,self.wrapper.geom_opt,calc_params,traj_label) if self.constraints is not None: # Note: for hookean constraint, set a FixBondlength Constraint # first at the right distance which then gets deleted # model.set_constraint(self.constraints) # from ase.constraints import FixBondLengths # if isinstance(self.constraints, FixBondLengths): # bondlength = self.constraints.bondlengths[0] # atoms = self.constraints.pairs[0] # model.set_distance(atoms[0],atoms[1],bondlength,fix=0) from ase.constraints import FixBondLengths, Hookean, FixInternals set_constraints = [] for c in self.constraints: if isinstance(c, FixBondLengths): bondlength = c.bondlengths[0] atoms = c.pairs[0] model.set_distance(atoms[0],atoms[1],bondlength,fix=0) model.set_constraint(c) if isinstance(c, Hookean): del model.constraints set_constraints.append(c) if isinstance(c, FixInternals): set_constraints.append(c) model.set_constraint(set_constraints) print(f"Writing to trajectory {self.seed}_{}_{traj_label}_{self.traj_suffix}.traj") # Pass in routine to actually run MD into generic Snapshot MD driver calc_params['calc_prefix'] = f'../{self.calc_prefix}' generate_md_trajectory(model,self.seed,,traj_label,self.traj_suffix, self.wrapper.run_mlmd,self.nsnap,self.nequil, self.md_steps,self.md_timestep,self.temp, calc_params,dynamics=self.dynamics)
def make_parser(self): import argparse from ase.units import AUT main_help = (' Generate trajectory files using a pre-trained ML-based calculator.\n') epi_help = ('') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main_help,epilog=epi_help) parser.add_argument('--seed','-s',type=str,help='Base name stem for the calculation (often the name of the molecule)') parser.add_argument('--traj_suffix','-S',default="mldyn",type=str,help='Suffix for the trajectory files to be generated') parser.add_argument('--calc_seed','-Z',default=None,type=str,help='Seed for the calculator') parser.add_argument('--calc_suffix','-C',default='',type=str,help='Suffix for the calculator (often specifies ML hyperparameters)') parser.add_argument('--calc_prefix','-P',default='',type=str,help='Prefix for the calculator (often specifies directory)') parser.add_argument('--target','-t',default=0,type=int,help='Excited state index, zero for ground state') parser.add_argument('--md_timestep','-q',default=10*AUT,type=float,help='Timestep in ASE units') parser.add_argument('--md_steps','-Q',default=100,type=int,help='Number of MLMD steps between each snapshot') parser.add_argument('--freq','-F',default=False,type=bool,help='Post-process trajectory into IR spectrum') parser.add_argument('--temp','-T',default=300.0,type=float,help='Temperature for thermostat') parser.add_argument('--ntraj','-n',default=1,type=int,help='Number of separate trajectories in full ensemble') parser.add_argument('--nsnap','-N',default=200,type=int,help='Number of snapshots to record in trajectory') parser.add_argument('--nequil','-e',default=10,type=int,help='Number of discarded equilibration snapshots before data is recorded') parser.add_argument('--which_trajs','-w',default=None,type=str,help='Which of the separate trajectories are to be run in this task') parser.add_argument('--constraints','-c',default=None,type=str,help='Constraints (ASE constraints class)') parser.add_argument('--dynamics','-d',default=None,type=str,help='Dynamics (ASE Dynamics class)') return parser def validate_args(args): default_args = make_parser().parse_args(['--seed','a']) for arg in vars(args): if arg not in default_args: raise Exception(f"Unrecognised argument '{arg}'")
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[docs]def load_trajectory_dipole(seed_state_str,traj_suffix,ntraj,nsnaps,mdsteps): ''' Loads a set of saved trajectory files and extracts the dipole moment as a function of time ''' from import read, Trajectory from esteem.trajectories import get_trajectory_list import numpy as np # Storage for result mu_t = np.zeros((ntraj,nsnaps*mdsteps,3)) # Names of trajectories chars = get_trajectory_list(ntraj) trajname = chars[0] # Loop over trajectories, reading them in and storing dipole moments in an array for i,trajname in enumerate(chars): k=0 for j in range(0,nsnaps): file = f'{traj_suffix}/{seed_state_str}_{trajname}_{traj_suffix}{j:04}.traj' traj = Trajectory(file) print(file) # progress update for f in traj[1:]: mu_t[i,k] = f.get_dipole_moment() k = k + 1 return mu_t
[docs]def calculate_ir_spectrum(mu_t,dt,freq_scale_fac,sigma): ''' Processes the dipole moment as a function of time for a collection of trajectories to calculate IR absorption spectrum ''' import numpy as np # Take gradient of mu(t) to get dmu/dt mu_dot = np.gradient(mu_t,dt,axis=(1,)) # Take FFT of dmu/dt and get corresponding frequencies (scaled, eg to cm^-1) mu_dot_tilde = np.fft.fftn(mu_dot,axes=(1,)) omega = np.fft.fftfreq(len(mu_dot[0]),dt)*freq_scale_fac # Average over snapshots and take dot product with self to get autocorrelation mu_dot_tilde_av = np.average(mu_dot_tilde,axis=0) mu_dot_tilde_av_mag = (np.sum(mu_dot_tilde_av*np.conj(mu_dot_tilde_av),axis=1)) # Convolve with Gaussian of width sigma (in cm^-1) gaussian = np.exp(-(omega/sigma)**2/2) mu_dot_tilde_av_mag_conv = np.convolve(mu_dot_tilde_av_mag, gaussian, mode="full") return mu_dot_tilde_av_mag_conv, omega
# # Command-line driver # In[ ]: if __name__ == '__main__': from esteem import wrappers mltraj = MLTrajWrapper() # Parse command line values args = mltraj.make_parser.parse_args() for arg in vars(args): setattr(mltrain,arg,getattr(args,arg)) print('#',args) mltraj.wrapper = wrappers.amp.AMPWrapper() # Run main program main(args,ml_wrapper)